What is structure sense?

Several researchers, including Booth (1984, 1988), Greeno (1982), Kieran (1988, 1992), Lins (1990), and Matz (1980), attributed many of the fundamental difficulties experienced by beginning algebra students to their failure to identify equivalent forms of an algebraic expression. According to Kieran (1988), structural knowledge means being able to identify ‘all the equivalent forms of the expression’. Linchevski and Vinner (1990) argued that this definition should be modified to include the ability to discriminate between the forms relevant to the task – generally one or two forms – and all the others. Booth (1981, 1984, 1988) emphasized that students construct their algebraic notions on the basis of their previous experience in arithmetic. Thus, their algebraic system inherits structural properties associated with the number system they are familiar with. She suggests (Booth, 1988) that the students’ difficulties in algebra are in part due to their lack of understanding of various structural notions in arithmetic.

The above statement is part of the literature review in the paper Structure sense: the relationships between algebraic and numerical context by Liora Linchevski and Drora Livneh. They investigated the question: Do misinterpretations of the mathematical structure by beginning algebra students reflect difficulties they already have in arithmetic? And, if these difficulties do exist in arithmetic, are they systematic, or unsystematic?

Educational Studies in Mathematics 40: 173–196, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Extension of number concepts to integers

In the paper Using intuition from everyday life in ‘filling’ the gap in children’s extension of their concept to include negative numbers, the authors reports an instructional method designed to address the cognitive gaps in children’s mathematical development where operational conceptions give rise to structural conceptions (such as when the subtraction process leads to the negative number concept). The method involves the linking of process and object conceptions through semiotic activity with models which first record processes in situations outside mathematics and subsequently mediate activity with the signs of mathematics.

The authors describe two experiments in teaching integers, an interesting case in which previous literature has focused on the dichotomy between the algebraic approach and the modelling approach to instruction and conceptualize modelling as the transformation of outside-school knowledge into school mathematics, and discuss the opportunities and difficulties involved. Their instructional method build on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) developed by Freudenthal’s followers at the Freudenthal Institute (Treffers, 1987; Gravemeijer, 1994).

The study involved a series of teaching sequences, each of about 5 one hour- long sessions, with groups (of three children at a time in the first experiment and four in the second experiment) of grade 6 pupils who had not yet received any instruction in negative numbers. The final sequence led the children to construct the integers and operations of addition and subtraction.


Educational Studies in Mathematics 39: 131–147, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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