What is the role of theory in mathematics education research?

A theory in mathematics education research deals with the teaching and learning of mathematics from two perspectives: a structural and a functional perspective.

  • Structural – a theory is an organized and coherent system of concepts and notions in mathematics education field
  • Functional – a theory is a system of tools that permit speculation about some reality. When theory is used as a tool, it can serve to:
    1. conceive of ways to improve the teaching/learning environment including the curriculum,
    2. develop methodology,
    3. describe, interpret, explain, and justify classroom observation and teacher activity,
    4. transform practical problems to research problems,
    5. define different step in the study of a research problem, and
    6. generate knowledge.
I love this description by Alan Bishop on the role of theory in education research:


Click Theories of Learning for brief descriptions of the four major theories for designing, explaining, and analyzing teaching and learning.


Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers (Advances in Mathematics Education) by L. English and B. Sriraman.

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